[Opensim-users] Freeswitch Setup

Jason justiz187 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 27 20:27:35 UTC 2010

Thanks Jeroen, that allowed me to at least to select the "Parcel Channel" in the configuration menu, however the talk button is still disabled.

I keep getting seeing the [PROVISIONVOICE] messages, and it looks like the password is set to 1234, but I have no idea where.  Is that correct?

Also, being a grid, should the port be 8002, or 9000?  Changing doesn't seem to have any affect though.


From: Jeroen van Veen <j.veenvan at gmail.com>
To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
Sent: Tue, April 27, 2010 1:29:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Freeswitch Setup


try viewing the estate voice settings in hippo 0.51. Other viewers somehow 
disable the voice option, while that hippo version won't. After that, voice 
should work if all settings are correct.


On Tuesday 27 April 2010 19:23:02 Jason wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been trying for days to get voice chat working in OpenSim.  I am
> currently running OpenSim 0.6.8.  I have a grid running on Windows 2008,
> and two different standalone's running on Windows XP.
> I've followed the instructions at
> http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Freeswitch_Module without success.  I've
> also found other various sources of setup instructions which I've tried,
> but each time the result is the same.  In the "About Land" configuration
> menu, the options for voice are always disabled, so I can't select "Estate
> Channel" or "Parcel Channel."
> I've tried multiple different versions of Freeswitch, both compiled from
> source and pre-compiled.
> Some of the error messages I get in my console windows are:
> 2010-04-27 13:10:32 [ERR] mod_xml_curl.c:198 xml_url_fetch() Received HTTP
> error 404 trying to fetch http://147.xxx.xxx.54:9000/api/freeswitch-config
> data:
> [hostname=xptestor&section=directory&tag_name=domain&key_name=name&key_val
> ue=147.xxx.xxx.54&domain=147.xxx.xxx.54&purpose=network-list]
> 13:10:32 - [FreeSwitchVoice]: HandleDirectoryRequest unknown
> sip_auth_method
> 13:11:31 - [PRESENCE]: Failed to notify message server of agent location
> for xxxUUIDxxx
> Can anyone shed some light on this?  TIA!
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