[Opensim-users] Questions and contributing

Michael Cortez mcortez at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 14:47:30 UTC 2010

> Is there a HowTo on groups etc.

The fastest way to get help on groups is via IRC.  There is an OSGroups 
channel that's litely populated with users and there's usually someone 
friendly enough to help in the OSGrid or OSUsers channels.  Post that 
you need help and be patient, sometimes you may need to wait 20 or 30 
minutes as most of the people are half lurking.

Groups setup is quite simple.  If your using Simian Grid Services, you 
just need to edit the GridCommon.php file and your good to go.

If your using ROBUST or the old grid services, you need to setup the 
Groups XmlRpc Service.  This requires mysql and a web server with 
support for PHP.  Instructions are here:


But they can simply be summed up by:  Copy the provided config.php and 
xmlrpc.php files to your web server, setup the mysql database with 
groups.sql file and change the config.php file to reflect your setup. 
Then edit OpenSim.ini [Groups] section.


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