[Opensim-users] Standalone, MySQL & creating new regions

clive gould cliveg at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 11:04:14 UTC 2009


Forgive me for asking a newbie question.

I want to use the latest 0.6.7 post fixes branch to fix the flailing
arms problem with 0.6.7

I have installed git under CentOS 5.3 and run the following commands

[opensim at standbyvle git]$ git clone git://opensimulator.org/git/opensim
[opensim at standbyvle git]$ cd opensim
[opensim at standbyvle opensim]$ git checkout -b 0.6.7-post-fixes

My question is:

Do I have to do anything else or can I now just go ahead and copy the
contents of the checked out directory /home/opensim/git/opensim and
will it have all the latest post fixes applied?

Thanks very much


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