[Opensim-users] "Save OAR" stopping since r9700

John Hopkin opensim at jfhopkin.karoo.co.uk
Thu May 28 19:10:46 UTC 2009

Since I upgraded from r9561 to r9700, two out of seven regions don't
back up using "save oar".  Even when they're the only region running,
those two have the same symptom: after a while, the archiver appears
to stop writing to the file, as if it's given up.

Looking at the files with tar, they're fine for many MB, then the
archive ends prematurely.  There's nothing on the screen or in the log
to indicate a problem.  This problem persists, and only on the same
two regions - other regions back up fine.

Platform is Ubuntu Linux (Jaunty), Mono 2.2, MySQL 5.0; all seven
regions run under one instance of OpenSim.exe.

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.
John Hopkin

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