[Opensim-users] Book on building mono applications in Linux

matt raffel matt.raffel at mindspring.com
Mon Mar 23 12:56:51 UTC 2009


We share a familiar background/fate.  :) One tool I found that works 
great in linux for C# is SharpDevelop.   It is very close to a Visual 
Studio replacement.  And I feel very small learning curve.   


Mike Mazur wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 14:22:24 -0400
> "Frank W Sweet" <fwsweet at backintyme.com> wrote:
>> I am an experienced professional programmer in Windows but I lack
>> Linux developer experience. Can anyone recommend a book that teaches
>> Linux development (subversion, make, build) but DOES NOT get bogged
>> down teaching C#?
> You will find that information about a lot of what you need to do with
> OpenSim is readily available online for free. For example, the
> book "Version Control with Subversion" (aka "svnbook") is at:
> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/
> NAnt is used to build OpenSim on Linux:
> http://nant.sourceforge.net/release/latest/help/
> You should be able to install everything you need to run OpenSim (mono,
> nant, subversion) with the package manager that comes with your Linux
> distribution (ie: yum on RedHat-based systems, apt-get on Debian-based
> systems). Also, if you're completely new to Linux, you'll probably
> benefit from reading about the Linux command line interface. There are
> a few, but chances are you'll be using bash. There are plenty of bash
> resources online:
> http://www.google.com/search?q=bash+shell+for+beginners
> So, in general, if you need to learn something new, look it up on the
> web and learn as you go. :D
> HTH,
> Mike
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