[Opensim-users] Save oar on
Justin Clark-Casey
jjustincc at googlemail.com
Thu Mar 19 16:35:01 UTC 2009
Tasman Perth wrote:
>> That is an unexpected error. If the archive doesn't contain anything commercially
>> sensitive or confidential, then the easiest thing would be if you could make it available to
>> me somehow (e.g. by e-mail if it's small enough). Then I can
>> take a look directly.
>> If that's not possible then we can work out some other way to proceed (possibly moving > this discussion to a Mantis). On
>> the surface, it looks like somehow the terrain data wasn't saved out properly.
> Thanks for the reply!!
> Armed with that little tidbit of info, I opened the gzip package with
> 7zip, and sure enough
> the terrain r32 file (which was not even the right one in use on my
> current sandbox config) was a zero byte file.
That's rather odd - haven't come across that bug before.
> Just for fun, I pulled a
> copy of the correct r32 file, and placed it in the terrains folder and
> removed the zero byte one, and re-gzipped the tar and tried loading it
> again.. This time I get the following:
For historical reasons, the tar file format loaded is the old V7 Unix format, rather than the GNU or POSIX/USTAR
formats. I'm guessing that 7zip may be retarring things in one of those other two formats and the reload doesn't like that.
It's possible to produce tars in the old V7 format by using the --format=v7 switch in gtar. I'm not sure if 7zip has
such an option.
> 00:37:58 - [ARCHIVER]: Error loading oar file. Exception was:
> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
> Parameter name: count is less than 0
> at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadBytes (Int32 count) [0x00000]
> at OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Archiver.TarArchiveReader.ReadEntry
> (System.String& filePath,
> OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Archiver.TarEntryType& entryType)
> [0x00000]
> at OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Archiver.ArchiveReadRequest.DearchiveRegion0DotStar
> () [0x00000]
> Region (OpenSim Test) #
> The scene_oar.tar.gz in question is only a bit over 5mb and has nada
> commercial stuff
> in it, just some of my sandbox dabbling... I can email it to you, if
> you'd like...
If the above doesn't work or isn't possible for you, please feel free to just e-mail it to me. If it is a format
problem then it's actually probably not that difficult to accomodate the other formats in the reload code (since I think
they're meant to be pretty compatible anyway) but I couldn't guarantee when I'd get around to this. Alternatively, you
could open a mantis for this and it's possible that someone else may address the issue.
> Tas
> On 3/18/09, Tasman Perth <tasman.perth at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Justin!!
>> When I do a 'help' on the running 7629 server, I dont see any listing of
>> "save-oar", but none the less, it worked, created a "scene_oar.tar.gz"
>> which I moved over to the new sim, and did a "load oar scene_oar.tar.gz",
>> and immediately got exceptions as follows:
>> Region (OpenSim Test) # load oar scene_oar.tar.gz
>> 12:39:10 - [ARCHIVER]: Loading archive to region OpenSim Test from
>> scene_oar.tar.gz
>> 12:39:10 - [ARCHIVER]: Error loading oar file. Exception was:
>> System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Failed to read past end of stream.
>> at System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer (Int32 bytes) [0x00000]
>> at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadSingle () [0x00000]
>> at OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Terrain.FileLoaders.RAW32.LoadStream
>> (System.IO.Stream s) [0x00000]
>> at OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Terrain.TerrainModule.LoadFromStream
>> (System.String filename, System.IO.Stream stream) [0x00000]
>> at
>> OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Archiver.ArchiveReadRequest.LoadTerrain
>> (System.String terrainPath, System.Byte[] data) [0x00000]
>> at
>> OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Archiver.ArchiveReadRequest.DearchiveRegion0DotStar
>> () [0x00000]
>> I tried recreating the oar on the old sim again, and retried, same
>> errors...
>> Help!!
>> Thanks
>> Tas
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Justin Clark-Casey
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