[Opensim-users] Port Sloodle SL to OpenSim

Lindy McKeown lindyaustralia at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 09:23:57 UTC 2009

Have you been in touch with Daniel Livingstone who made it? 

Lindy McKeown
Project Officer - Collaboration and Virtual Worlds
Australian Digital Futures Institute
University of Southern Queensland
Toowoomba Q 4350
lindyaustralia at gmail.com
0419 721 336
Skype lindymac
Second Life identity: Decka Mah


From: opensim-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de
[mailto:opensim-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de] On Behalf Of Tom Willans
Sent: Thursday, 12 March 2009 7:01 PM
To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
Subject: [Opensim-users] Port Sloodle SL to OpenSim

Hi folks,

I am interested in porting Sloodle to OpenSim (
http://www.sloodle.org/moodle/ ). Sloodle is a mashup between SecondLife and
the Learning Management System Moodle. 
Does you know of anyone who can give some general advice on moving and
testing scripts from SL to OS and moving data into and out of OS.
We are holding a kick off community meeting to look at our approach and
issues and it would be nice to draw on some existing experience, at least in
giving us a start. 
I am going to propose we base this upon the ODE script engine although we
have not discussed this as yet. 

Our meeting is at Weds 18th - 2pm SLTime/PDT - 9pm GMT/UK (
18&hour=21&min=0&sec=0> click here for other timezones). Even if you cannot
make the meeting advice would be helpful.


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