[Opensim-users] Load Testing

Mariusz Nowostawski mariusz at nowostawski.org
Wed Mar 4 03:46:21 UTC 2009

Hi Robert,

If you are serious about the testing, then University of Otago testbed 
(www.gni.otago.ac.nz) and World45 (opensim.world45.com) have established 
a hardware/software framework for virtual worlds performance testing. 
They have computing facilities to run concurrently (within a 
semi-isolated LAN) an arbitrary number of concurrent real SL clients (or 
any client type of your choice) and run the tests on a number of 
hardware architectures (as per your specification).

If you are interested, you would need to drop them your particular 
region, specify what clients you would like to use, what the client 
activities should be, what server hardware you are interested in testing 
and provide the grid configurations. Otago would then run the tests for 
you and prepare the report highlighting the encountered bottlenecks and 
general behaviour of your setup.  Otago does general profiling, network 
evaluations, and scalability studies.

if you are interested, please can contact Melanie Middlemiss for more 
MMiddlemiss at infoscience.otago.ac.nz


Robert Klein wrote:
> It would be nice to do some basic load testing of my OpenSim install. Has
> anyone developed some method for doing a load test? Getting 40 friends to
> hit your server at the same time does not count! :)
> -Robert

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