[Opensim-users] Clever Zebra Buildings and Assets for landscaping, building etc

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 27 20:23:18 UTC 2009

Ai Austin wrote:
> The folks at Clever Zebra (http://cleverzebra.com) made available a 
> lot of freely distributable (GPL licence) and full perm buildings 
> like offices, Galleria etc in Second Life.  I have used some in our 
> Open sim regions. I recent spoke to them to check they knew what I 
> was doing, as I plan to make the items available to anyone at our 
> welcome area when we open up to the Hypergrid.  They are positively 
> encouraging that, and asking if other assets can be converted and 
> made available to the Opensim community.
> If we can work out a proper way to package up items like buildings to 
> make available (possibly through the selective OAR mechanism 
> discussed with Justin) I would be happy to try to package up the 
> assets and make them available on some Opensim asset sharing web area.

Selective oar is still in my mind - I just got the unit test bug and decided I had to start writing tests for the 
existing code first before introducing new options.  Might still be a while though (other things on my plate atm).

Of course, this kind of thing may be better done in an inventory format.

Justin Clark-Casey

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