[Opensim-users] Please UCI, help our basic tutorial!

Diva Canto diva at metaverseink.com
Fri Jan 23 13:31:24 UTC 2009

We have two gateway regions in the UCI grid that can be used for this. 
They are not standalones, they are connected to the UCI Grid, because 
it's easier to manage them like that; but they are single regions, and 
as simple as it gets. These regions are on 24/7 and will be here for the 
long run.

One is at 3000,3000 (good for all those default standalones out there in 
1000, 1000), the other is in 7000,7000 (good for accessing OSGrid and 
others up there). There are teleporters between them.

    * Gateway 3000, placed in position 3,000 3,000:
      ucigrid04.nacs.uci.edu 9003
    * Gateway 7000, placed in position 7,000 7,000:
      ucigrid04.nacs.uci.edu 9007

Americo Damasceno wrote:
> I am trying  to create a tutorial for BEGINNERS and  I need to have a 
> sample of a VERY SIMPLE "world" to be accessed by hyperlink 
> (hypergrid). It needs to be "standalone" and to have ONLY one region. 
> And haven't any conection to any grid. It would be the BASIC of the 
> BASIC. And online 24/7.
> I know that is not easy for academics to do simple things, but would 
> be very useful for the beginners ( tutorials' readers) the possibility 
> of access to a basic  "world" like this.
> And I need to know also the specification of the hardware + 
> communication line supporting  this "world".
> Thanks.
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