[Opensim-users] osSetDynamicTextureURL

Stefan Andersson stefan at tribalmedia.se
Thu Jan 15 19:23:47 UTC 2009

Darren tells me the functionailty was added some time ago to the OpenSim svn. OnGrabObject, OnGrabUpdate etc, have a List<SurfaceTouchEventArgs> parameter that is the list of x,y touched.
For it to be used in LSL scripts, it just needs someone to wire up the needed functions that LL added for such things, if there is none already.
Best regards,Stefan AnderssonTribal Media AB

Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 18:12:39 -0800From: cfk at pacbell.netTo: opensim-users at lists.berlios.deSubject: Re: [Opensim-users] osSetDynamicTextureURL

No problem. "Tx Oh" came up with this about a year ago and it works pretty good.I am hoping that someone will take on the project of adding mouse position data to the C# code base some time so we can click on areas on the prim and execute hyperlinks, but that is a project in search of a zealot right now.Charles

From: John Sheridan <john at pseudospace.net>To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.deSent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 6:08:01 PMSubject: Re: [Opensim-users] osSetDynamicTextureURLI just realized that...  Note to self - do not answer emails after crawling out of bed unless you've had at least five cups of highly caffeinated soda!Thanks, :)John / Orion Pseudo / ShamroyTristan wrote: 
John, Charles already notified us of the one at Wright Plaza and I posted up the script. However, it will be interesting to see if you get parcel media URLs working.
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 11:54 AM, John Sheridan <john at pseudospace.net> wrote:

Olli,  I've seen a prim that draws a web page over at Wright Plaza on OSGrid.  I'm not sure if its still there, but I always assumed they were using a variation of the WeatherMap script.  You're right though about that script, I just tried and it only works for images.  Also, after trying the SL way of setting the url in the parcel all I wound up with was a black prim.  I'll try to do some more puttering later tonight after I finish melting my brain while reviewing reports at work.  :PSorry, << blushes>> - OrionOlli Aro wrote: 

Hi Orion,
That example seems to be with images as well. 
Since it looks like the dynamic texture supports only images at the moment, does anyone know how to bring HTML web content in OpenSim? Even the Second Life way whereby you set it as parcel media does not seem to work. So, is there currently no way to bring HTML in?

From: opensim-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de [mailto:opensim-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de] On Behalf Of John SheridanSent: 13 January 2009 18:47To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.deSubject: Re: [Opensim-users] osSetDynamicTextureURL
In world take a look under your inventory for the OpenSim Library.  There are a few example scripts in there which may help.  OpenSim Library -> Scripts Library -> OpenSim Specific Scripts -> osWeatherMapWhen you open up the script it'll show as locked.  Just ctrl-a ctrl-c to select all and copy, then paste it all into a new script to edit.Thanks, :) - Orion Pseudo/Shamroy Tristan wrote: 
I think it can only be a picture file, or some type of php that returns a picture. I could be wrong.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 8:44 AM, Olli Aro <olli_aro at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

Hi all,
I have been trying to Google for this, but cannot find answer. Please just point me to documentation if this is an obvious question J
Does anyone know which are possible values for the content type parameter with osSetDynamicTextureURL? What I am looking for is a way to set html content as texture. I can find examples for dynamic images but not for html.
Thanks for your help in advance,
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