[Opensim-users] Rectangular holes in the terrain

Frank W Sweet fwsweet at backintyme.com
Wed Feb 25 15:37:39 UTC 2009

This is just an oddity that I have noticed. It happens in all SVNs.
Come to thinkof it, it also happens in Linden's SL.

Sometimes when an avatar TPs into its home region, there are large
rectangular holes in the terain. If you walk up to one of the huge
rectangular holes in the land you can look down and see water way down
there. Large prims are also sometimes invisible (building roofs,
monument bases) after a TP. It is not a serious problem because other
avatars in the same place see things normally, and relogging usually
fixes it.

Does anyone have any idea why this happens? Like I said, it sometimes
happens in SL too.

Frank W Sweet
Backintyme Publishing

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