[Opensim-users] Some questions about inventory libraries

Impalah impalah at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 16:41:46 UTC 2009

If "soon" means the next 2 weeks, probably not, at least from my part; but
I'll need to fix these behaviours for the project I am working on (not
urgent, nor essential but important for consistency of a grid).

Extend "soon" a couple of weeks more :-)

2009/2/19 Tristan <tristan.wattswillis at gmail.com>

> Interesting. I don't suppose any of those nice changes are going to happen
> soon? If i could program, I would help, but I can't :(. Anyway. If it isn't
> already, info liek that should be on the wiki somewhere.
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 7:25 AM, Impalah <impalah at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks, Justin, for the quick response.
>> Well, is quite annoying to distribute to the opensim servers the inventory
>> libraries but... the solution will be something like "to request libraries
>> to user/inventory servers". If I had some time I could do a patch (or a
>> plugin) for this... I don't promise anything but... I will need something
>> similar in the next future so it will be distributed if I do the patch.
>> Oh, I'm thinking in a patch too for the regions.xml loader (I don't
>> remember its name) when configured for getting data from web. Actually it
>> doesn't save the region data (lastmap uuid, refresh, etc...) because the
>> functions are empty. My intention is to add "optional" REST saving calls for
>> allowing to have a central "region data server". Anyway it isn't urgent, it
>> works perfectly without saving anything...
>> Greetings
>> 2009/2/19 Justin Clark-Casey <jjustincc at googlemail.com>
>> Impalah wrote:
>>> > Hi everybody, here comes Impalah again with some bizarre questions.
>>> >
>>> > Before... about a question I did some weeks ago when I had "problems"
>>> > with avatar crossing regions: it's resolved at 90% from my part (ugaim)
>>> > just changing the (superslow) framework I was using to another; anyway
>>> > the requests made to ugaim from region servers (get inventory, get
>>> maps,
>>> > get something I can't remember now) aren't concurrent, at least running
>>> > over .NET vm (I have tested it in five different machines with win XP).
>>> > I'll return to those things when I finish the project I'm working on.
>>> >
>>> > Well, my questions, overall are for who implemented Inventory Libs and
>>> > all the things around.
>>> I didn't implement the original code but I did end up extending it.  I
>>> don't think what we have right now is a
>>> particularly good solution.
>>> >
>>> > When an avatar logs in, apart from the "personal inventory skeleton",
>>> > the user server sends a "inventory library skeleton" too.
>>> > Opensim.Grid.User uses the object InventoryLib (excuse me if the names
>>> > are wrong, I haven't access to the code right now) which reads the
>>> xml's
>>> > from the "inventory" folder.
>>> >
>>> > Ok, so an user server needs these xml files isn't it? At least for
>>> > returning the skeleton.
>>> >
>>> > Well, but where is stored the inventory library? I suppose, because I
>>> > couldn't find any persistent storage for inventory library
>>> > folders/items, that the Opensim (region) server loads the xml files
>>> when
>>> > it starts and, when the viewer asks for inventory, it returns the
>>> > contents of the xml's.
>>> Essentially correct.
>>> >
>>> > The problem is if I have several region servers, any of them with
>>> > distinct inventory libraries (folders and items). I have checked that
>>> if
>>> > I return in login, for example, only two of the inventory lib folders,
>>> > the opensim viewer will only show me these 2 folders, ignoring the rest
>>> > of the "inventory xmls" defined.
>>> >
>>> > So if I pretend to distribute and control the inventory library from
>>> the
>>> > ugaim servers I have to copy the xmls to all the region servers who
>>> > connect to my grid... right?
>>> That's correct.  At the moment each region server loads its local library
>>> data.  Which means that on a grid system, the
>>> library data on every single region and on the grid inventory service
>>> must be identical (afair).
>>> I believe that it would be better to stop loading library inventory
>>> locally and instead pull it from the central
>>> inventory service (in grid mode).  This would have the advantage of
>>> making it much easier to update library inventory.
>>> >
>>> > I don't know if this is an error (I think the inventory library must be
>>> > requested from region servers to ugaim servers) or some kind of
>>> > "feature", or if exists any reason for doing the things that way.
>>> >
>>> > Can anyone help me with this?
>>> >
>>> > Thank you
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Impalah "always having problems" Shenzhou
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >
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>>> --
>>> justincc
>>> Justin Clark-Casey
>>> http://justincc.wordpress.com
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