[Opensim-users] Is Second Inventory Worth Having?

Ai Austin ai.ai.austin at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 4 20:07:25 UTC 2009

>Is anyone using Second Inventory? Is it worth the price and effort for moving
>assets from SL to OS? Any frustrations we should be aware of? Is there
>anything similiar or better? Thanks!

Yes.. Definitely... I moves most of Virtual University of Edinburgh 
from 9 regions in SL to similar regions in Opensim in a period of 
about a week... it would have taken MUCH longer to rebuild.  It works 
fine with some limitations on use

a) only bother to try to move items where you have full permissions 
on everything.. script, textures and all items.

b) No prims inside other prims ... take the prims out, move the rest 
and then put them back in

c) no multi-rat objects

d) split builds up into parts less than 30m across and less than 255 
total prims in each part. Keep the root pri mof each simple and write 
down its location retaliative to some anchor part and make the 
building back up in the new situation.

Some problems...

1. Hangs if you try to copy items with an avatar name (e.g.creator) 
not on grid you save from., a pain if you get items full perm in 
"take copy" on Hypergrid.  I reported that to SE folks.

2. Try to do all this on one copy of SI on one machine. if you run it 
on several systems, te textures will be uploaded twice with different UUIDs. 

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