[Opensim-users] n00b questions

matt raffel matt.raffel at mindspring.com
Thu Oct 30 18:11:50 UTC 2008

I can create new clothes, hair, eyes etc...

I cannot change my shape.  Basically my avatar is a female but I would 
like a male.

I did change my grid to use mysql.  That was amazingly simple to do.  
*compliment to everyone*


Charles Krinke wrote:
> Dear Matt:
> Go to the inventory window and "create" a new set of pants, shirt, 
> etc. Then wear them. Then edit them. That will work.
> On the region question, one has two choices. One is to do a 'terrain 
> fill xx" like terrain fill 21 and set the land to flat, 21m above 
> zero, which is 1 meter above the default water level. The other is to 
> find a terrain file to load into the sim and there are links on 
> opensimulator.org and osgrid.org for how to do that.
> Charles
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: matt raffel <matt.raffel at mindspring.com>
> To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 9:28:05 AM
> Subject: [Opensim-users] n00b questions
> Hi
> I followed the instructions and got opensim up in grid mode.  I have 3
> regions going.  Couple questions that I couldn't find an answer too
> (maybe I missed them):
> My avatar shape cannot be changed.  How do I get a new shape if I want it?
> My regions started a circle island.  Using the land tools to change them
> is painfully slow.  Is there a way to tell a region to start with a
> different "map" until I change it with the land tool?
> Thnx
> Matt
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