[Opensim-users] objects undergoing continuous change

Paul Fishwick fishwick at cise.ufl.edu
Wed Nov 12 14:39:33 UTC 2008

Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
> Yes, things are stored in memory with a regular flush to database that occurs every 15 seconds.  However, I suspect that 
> objects with the physics attribute are not currently persisted (from a recent thread on opensim-dev).

I am curious as to whether it could become possible (in a standalone 
server or
in a grid with only one person) to do continuous visual updates for moving
objects (physical or otherwise). I have tried a few experiments, such as a
continuously moving block using LSL (setpos) and after a few seconds, the
behavior becomes erratic (for example, the box shoots off somewhere or
disappears entirely from the region).

I realize that having fast moving visual objects does not lend itself 
well to sharing
state, but there are some instances where one wishes to simply launch a 
or grid and do more traditional simulation (as one might do in OpenGL) 
or not the object states are shared, or on the frequency of sharing. It 
would be nice
to have this "standalone continuous object motion" as a switch-based or
deltatime-specified capability.



>>  * Would it (or is it) useful to have some scripts run on the client 
>> rather than the
>>     server for less server loading? For example, could ODE run on the 
>> client
> I think that some minor stuff is done client side already (such as flexiprims).  However, I suspect one runs into 
> difficulties when objects can affect each other, since you would have to start communicating all this information back 
> to the server and somehow synchronizing it with changes from other clients.
> However, I am not an expert in this area.

Dr. Paul A. Fishwick           E-Mail: fishwick at cise.ufl.edu
Dept. of Computer & Info       Phone & FAX: (352) 392-1414
 Science and Engineering       WWW: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~fishwick
University of Florida          (PGP Key available at above WWW address)
P. O. Box 116120
332 Bldg. CSE, Gainesville, FL 32611-6120

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