[Opensim-users] Application Exception Detected

scott latimore meishoe23 at yahoo.com
Thu May 1 12:53:57 UTC 2008


I am running a standalone sim on my Windows machine (XP sp2). I was terraforming yesterday when the program crashed. When I tried to log back in, I received the following error:

Application Exception Detected: System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs

System.ArgumentException: Value of '2147483648' is not valid for 'red'. 'red' should be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 255.
at System.Drawing.Color.CheckByte(Int 32 vlue, String name)
at System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(Int32 alpha, Int32 red, Int32 green, Int32 blue)
at System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(Int32 red, Int32 green, Int32 blue)
at OpenSim.Region.Environment.Scenes.Scene.CreatTerrainTexture(Boolean temporary)
at OpenSim.OpenSimMain.CreateRegion (RegionInfo regionInfo, Boolean portadd_flag)
at OpenSim.ApplicationPlugins.LoadRegions.LoadRegionsPlugin.Initialise(OpenSimMain)
at OpenSim.OpenSimMainStartUp()
at OpenSim.Application.Main(String[] args)

Application is terminating: True

Does anybody know how to fix this? I've read through the documentation on opensim.org and couldn't find the answer.

Any help would be very much appreciated.


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