[Opensim-users] Getting rid of NAT Loopback uncapable routers...

Mana Janus mana.janus at web.de
Sun Jul 20 10:15:06 UTC 2008

Olish Newman wrote:
> Miss Suzhanna Rossini a écrit :
>>> On Thu, 2008-07-17 at 20:04 +0200, Olish Newman wrote:
>>>> Hello !
>>>> I'm looking for a way to be able to TP inside locally hosted regions
>>>> (at
>>>> home) attached to an external grid.
>>>> People having a router that is NOT Nat Loopback capable can't TP
>>>> inside their regions, but others can do.
>>>> There's a way for Linux using iptables. But Microsoft Windows
>>> terribly
>>>> lacks this functionnality.
>>> If you're absolutely committed to forcing yourself to do this the hard
>>> way by using Windows, you might see if you can't override the DNS for
>>> the hostname of your sim on your router to give a local address for
>>> that DNS entry instead of the one visible to the rest of the world.
>> But that isn't very hard.. I just added my local IP addresses and host 
>> names
>> in \Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts and off I went. Of course, you 
>> cannot
>> do that on the server running the simulators, but only on your workstation
>> that you use to connect to your grid.
> Thanks Miss Suzhanna, thanks Paul for your answers !
> Indeed I do use the hosts file but without success (on Vista). When I 
> try in my web browser to visit
> http://mypublicdomainname.tld:9000 I get the OOpss page from opensim. 
> But nothing when I try
> to TP... anyway other people outside my LAN can :s I have to try on XP.
Hmm, just a stupid question... in your OpenSim configuration files, do 
you use "mypublicdomainname.tld" as the host name for grid servers and 
the external ip for your regions?
If you enter your external IP there as a number, the trick with 
hosts can't work.


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