[Opensim-users] Using ODE and Mono for Ubuntu Linux

Snoopy Pfeffer snoopy.pfeffer at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 21 21:11:46 UTC 2008

Hello Paul

Is you ubuntu installation a 32 bit or 64 bit installation?

On 32 bit ubuntu 8.10 it should work without any problems using the installation instructions you have mentioned. I have a system like this running my osgrid atoll regions. For 64 bit you need to compile ODE separately as I have described here before.


From: Paul Fishwick <fishwick at cise.ufl.edu>
To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2008 4:52:28 PM
Subject: [Opensim-users] Using ODE and Mono for Ubuntu Linux

I am testing  out a new Linux installation and am having problems if I
use OpenDynamicsEngine as the physics engine. When turned on, I
come into the world and fall through the terrain to negative Z
infinity... forcing me to go back to the basicphysics engine. Here
are the parameters:

Linux (Ubuntu) 8.10, OpenSim r7818
svn install using the build instructions here:
copied OpenSim.example.ini to OpenSim.ini before starting
I use an external IP (only change to default) so that I can log in from 

I get into the default world without a problem - can walk around

I then go back and change the PhysicsEngine in OpenSim.ini to
OpenDynamicsEngine. Then I fall through the terrain after logging in.

My question is:

1) What version of ODE should I be using if not the one supplied in the
      svn checkout?
2) Mono is 1.9.1 (is this good, or should I try to upgrade this?)
3) I have seen some Mantis activity on av_capsule_radius, 
     _tensor_linux, and av_density. Are the values in 
OpenSim.ini.example not
     the correct ones?

I appreciate any help along these lines. I didn't have any problems on 
the Windows
ODE setting, so not sure of why there would be this difference in 


Paul Fishwick, PhD
Professor and Director, Digital Arts and Sciences Programs
University of Florida
Computer & Information Science and Eng. Dept.
Bldg. CSE, Room 301
P.O. Box 116120
Gainesville, FL 32611
Email: fishwick at cise.ufl.edu
Phone: (352) 392-1414
Fax: (352) 392-1220
Web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~fishwick

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