[Opensim-dev] What is the purpose of the regionextra table?

Michel Beauregard gimisa at yahoo.fr
Tue Jul 16 20:13:37 UTC 2019

Hi Peter , 
unfortunately I am not a developper and cannot provide you with any insight into what role regionextra is serving. 
Like a lot of thinks in opensim its yours to discover and possibly share what you find with others if you feel so incline.
This is what I found hoping it can be usefull to your quest:
searching for regionextra in bin or opensim from  064 in april 2009 release,  069 of 14th May 2010,  070 release 10th September 2010 , ,released on 8th May 2011, released on 30th March 2012 ,  0.7.4 released on 31st August 2012, I  found nothing refering to regionextra. 

The first appearence of regionextra I have are in opensim-0.7.5/bin/OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll and same file in  ./diva-r22043 and  ./osgrid130102 .

According to  source RegionStore.migrations the database was  created in version 45 and never updated after as follows::

CREATE TABLE `regionextra` (`RegionID` char(36) not null, `Name` varchar(32) not null, `value` text, primary key(`RegionID`, `Name`));


The code use to interface with regionextra is found in MYSQLSimulationData.cs with the following functions:     public void SaveExtra(UUID regionID, string name, string val)
     public void RemoveExtra(UUID regionID, string name)
     public Dictionary<string, string> GetExtra(UUID regionID)

Its the last addition of that code file where you also can find other region coding  like windlight and spanpoints.  I see that it contain, a save, a remove, and a data query function. Therefor I  would speculate that since it often empty , its possibly use for temporary storage of some kind regarding region data.  Since string name and string val could be anything that does not clarify what is store in that dictionnary. 
The only way to know more without finding someone that do would be to monitor that file in debug mode to see when this part of code is executed. 

Hope it helps.


    Le samedi 13 juillet 2019 12 h 36 min 24 s UTC−4, Peter Gloor <pgloor at gmail.com> a écrit :  
 Working on a database related module I stumbled over the regionextra table
which seems to exist in MySQL databases only. At least it does not exist in
standalone environments using SQlite and I couldn't find any references in
PGSQL code nor related migration files.

I checked all my active MySQL databases and could not find any regionextra
table containing data.

I don't have any issues, I'm just wondering what this table is for. Is it a
leftover from older code that can be removed or is there still a purpose I
just don't see?

aka Pius Noel
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