[Opensim-dev] OpenSimulator will require .Net Framework version 4.6

AJLDuarte ajlduarte at sapo.pt
Fri Jul 6 18:53:34 UTC 2018

 I am sorry to announce that future releases of OpenSimulator will require
.Net Framework version 4.6

 For Windows this means that XP will no longer be supported.
 Other versions, either old or very recent may need to install this version.

 For Linux and other platforms a recent version of Mono will be required.
Considering the evolution of the releases rate of Mono, Mono 5.12 seems the
best option.

 Soon our git master branch will be updated with new code (from httptests
branch) with this requirement.

 We would like to see all of you testing our new ways to break your
inventories, regions or even crash your machines. This may actually happen
with Dev versions! So unless you have the skills to gracefully fix a
catastrophic Opensim fail, please be patient and use older, more tested
(No 0.8.x fans I am not talking to you)


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