[Opensim-dev] Mono 4.0 coming changes

James Hughes jamesh at bluewallgroup.com
Tue Dec 30 11:34:08 UTC 2014

The prebuild.xml files have our tools version set to 4.0. We only need
to change that to 4.5. Ornd patched Prebuild.exe to handle it some time


On Tue, 2014-12-30 at 02:12 -0500, Michael Emory Cerquoni wrote:
>  Prebuild won't even run Justin, at this point I have lost interest
> honestly, whatever happens, happens at this point.  I am no longer
> pursing this problem at this point or in the future, I will let
> someone else worry about it.
> On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 9:16 PM, Shaun T. Erickson <ste at smxy.org>
> wrote:
>         If people are so incompetent that they can't install one of
>         these newer packages on their distro, or compile it themselves
>         (it's really not that hard), then I question what they are
>         doing running Linux in the first place. Don't hold others back
>         in order to mollycoddle a few.
>         -ste
>         On 12/29/14 9:08 PM, Mike Chase wrote:
>                 There are packages for recent Mono for all the major
>                 distros and source for the obscure ones.   The 2.x
>                 series isnt "supported" by the upstream project.   I
>                 don't personally see a good reason why you can adopt a
>                 more recent version and standardize on that,  the
>                 packages are available.
>                 http://www.mono-project.com/download/#download-lin
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> Michael Emory Cerquoni
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