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Sat Apr 19 01:31:08 UTC 2014

That would allow an identification of the scope of  the problem by a grid manager. From there a query to delete any that are empty, with what ever logical qualifiers might be useful.

In any case, perhaps I have or have not diagnosed the problem correctly, and any suggestions are appreciated.


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<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:12pt"><div>The situation exists where a number of avatars have multiple root inventory folders on OSGrid, and I suspect on other grids as well. One of the implications is that this obscures the inventory as our search stops at the first root inventory folder it finds, that is the first one whose parentFolderId == zeroes.<br><br>Having a query to identify and then remove completely empty root inventory folders might help make this situation better, but it involves a fairly complex mysql query that is currently beyond my abilities. I am hoping someone could help out a little here with a query that can be used to identify multiple root inventory folders in a grids mysql database and a query to would allow them to be deleted, perhaps one by one, that would be fine.<br><br>This query involves finding all those avatars
 with inventoryfolders entries where more then one parentFolderID is zeroes.<br><br>From there, it involves walking the subfolders (those folders pointing at each root folder whose parentFolderId is zeroes) and determining if any inventoryitems are pointing at any of those subfolders (Clothes, Objects, Trash, Scripts, Clothes, etc.).<br><br>That would allow an identification of the scope of  the problem by a grid manager. From there a query to delete any that are empty, with what ever logical qualifiers might be useful.<br><br>In any case, perhaps I have or have not diagnosed the problem correctly, and any suggestions are appreciated.<br><br>Charles<br></div></div></body></html>

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