[Opensim-dev] Question about the suitable interface

Bo bo at s-grid.net
Tue Feb 21 18:18:06 UTC 2012

forgive me a noob question, please. You are going to control nothing but one 
avatar, right? What will be the role of simulator in it?

If the Kinect movements would affect all avatars on the sim (eg. an kinect 
controlled earthquake) i would understand the role of the sim. But while it 
affects just one avatar i would rather do all changes on viewer side using 
standard ways so the thing would be compatible with SL..


PS: of course it could possible to do it as a sim module. But question is 

On Tuesday 21 of February 2012 18:54:08 Georg Janke wrote:
> Hello developers of OpenSim!
> My Name is Georg and would be very happy if you could answer my question.
> Short description of what my aim is:
> I am working on a application that is able to recognize gestures from a
> Kinect controller. With the help of this I want to control an avatar in
> OpenSim. So I have the recognition application and OpenSim running parallel
> on the client pc. The database on the OpenSim server contains the
> appropriate animations for the gestures.
> Question:
> Does OpenSim has a suitable interface that my application can use to tell
> OpenSim it has recognized a certain gesture and thus controlling the avatar
> to perform the appropriate animation from the database?
> Thanks for reading,
> Georg

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