[Opensim-dev] Changing HUD for all accounts

bo at s-grid.net bo at s-grid.net
Thu Sep 15 00:21:06 UTC 2011

Have no tried,
but if the new HUD would be exactly of the same type would try to run a query 
over table inventoryitems simply replacing assetID for the new hud where 
applicable  to update it. This can be done by ONE MySql query. But please test 
it before using it!

Make avatars wear your HUD by force is more complicated. First you need to 
inject the item item into their root folder by creating an entry in 
inventoryitems and then add an entry to table Avatars. This is more 
complicated and can be easily spoiled by  SL2 client or by avatar simply 
editing appearance. So it can be safely done by an daemon and on offline 
avatars who are not using SL2 only. It can also fed up the users when you will 
do this to them without their wish.

So i would stay with them voluntary wearing your HUD and with the updates via 
change in inventoryitems. But, please, test it before using it!


On Wednesday 14 of September 2011 21:28:52 Marcus Alexander Link wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> how do I easily change, set or update a HUD for all existing accounts?
> Thx, Marcus.
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