[Opensim-dev] Fancy a smoothie (ish)?

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Fri Oct 14 00:45:14 UTC 2011


On 14/10/11 01:40, R. Gunther wrote:
> Justin, are the new ini lines working with OSgrid OpenSimulator 0.7.2.dev.8caf3ed - [zip] [27.4mb] 09-24-2011
> <http://osgrid.googlecode.com/files/osgrid.opensim-09242011.v0.7.2.8caf3ed.zip> ?
> On 2011-10-14 01:37, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
>> Hi folks. I've had reason recently to investigate why flying across a region can feel quite jerky.
>> It seems that one solution is to increase the number of ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate packets that OpenSim sends out when
>> the avatar is moved. I'm assuming that more packets means smaller and more frequent corrections of avatar position
>> extrapolation by the viewer.
>> At the moment, we only send out 11 ish packets per second. Increasing this to 22 makes avatar flying much smoother
>> subjectively.
>> You can do this via a new set of config parameters added to the bottom of the [Startup] config section of
>> OpenSimDefaults.ini on commit 4e7d433.
>> In OpenSimDefaults.ini you can see the lines (minus comments)
>> MinFrameTime = 0.089
>> UpdateObjectsEveryNFrames = 1;
>> UpdateAgentsEveryNFrames = 1;
>> UpdateEntityMovementEveryNFrames = 1;
>> UpdateCoarseLocationsEveryNFrames = 50;
>> UpdatePhysicsEveryNFrames = 1;
>> UpdateTempCleaningEveryNFrames = 1000;
>> UpdateEventsEveryNFrames = 1;
>> UpdateTerrainEveryNFrames = 50;
>> UpdateStorageEveryNFrames = 200;
>> At the moment we need to halve MinFrameTime and double all the Update* params except UpdateAgentsEveryNFrames. You can
>> do this by overriding the defaults with the following parameters at the bottom of the [Startup] section of OpenSim.ini.
>> MinFrameTime = 0.0445
>> UpdateObjectsEveryNFrames = 2;
>> UpdateAgentsEveryNFrames = 1;
>> UpdateEntityMovementEveryNFrames = 2;
>> UpdateCoarseLocationsEveryNFrames = 100;
>> UpdatePhysicsEveryNFrames = 2;
>> UpdateTempCleaningEveryNFrames = 2000;
>> UpdateEventsEveryNFrames = 2;
>> UpdateTerrainEveryNFrames = 100;
>> UpdateStorageEveryNFrames = 400;
>> My subjective experience is that horizontal avatar flying feels much smoother on my local standalone and on a remote
>> system. However, this is only the case once everything has finished loading and if you aren't being spammed by
>> spurious ObjectUpdates from prims, as discussed very recently in this list. You can prevent spamming by making sure
>> your client bandwidth is suitable for your connection quality or by setting enable_adaptive_throttles = true in
>> [ClientStack.LindenUDP].
>> I've no idea how this will perform on a more heavily loaded sim, particularly as we're currently achieving this change
>> by halving the time that physics has to update and avatar location is updating twice for every physics update. But if
>> you try this I'd be interested in any feedback.
>> Also, please feel free to tweak the settings in other ways but we cannot provide any support.
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Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)

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