[Opensim-dev] Wiki: Captcha, anyone?

Argus argus at archimuh.de
Wed Oct 12 20:58:29 UTC 2011


from experiance from phpbb and other forum software, the best spam 
blocking is to change the registration page. The Spambots always asume 
that the software uses the same html code. Example, when registering in 
a phpbb board one needs to agree to the boardrules, the agreement input 
field is "agreed", change that to agreeed and the spambots cant manage 
to send the agreement.
  This requires a smal change in the registeration html and php code but 
is more affective than any addon. Bots simply try to use what is 
commonly used by most users and that includes the available addons.

I asume the wiki could allso be fixed with this kind of codechange.

Michelle Argus

Am 12.10.2011 21:54, schrieb Dave Coyle:
> On Oct 12, 2011, at 8:33 AM, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
>> coyled has manfully volunteered to help out with opensimulator.org maintenance, so if we ask him nicely (or if he's listening :) he might be able to install this or maybe recommend something else (such as the Google captch Volker mentioned).
> I'll take a look at this tonight.  Account creation currently has reCaptcha enabled, so if the spammers are creating new accounts they're already getting past that.  I'll also take a look at email verification for new accounts and some of the other options.
> -coyled
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