[Opensim-dev] WxServices

Melanie melanie at t-data.com
Mon Apr 25 11:20:08 UTC 2011

So, if I understand this correctly, it's a unifying framework to
load http(s) handlers into either a rubust shell or a region server
without having to make it a full region module?

I believe this is overcomplicating things. If a web service is
written as a ROBUST handler/service, no shim is needed between
ROBUST and it. It would only need a shim to load it into a region
server and that shim could be (and maybe should be) trivially added
to core.

I see no point in a middleware that abstracts and API by, more or
less, simply renaming it.

Can you explain what this is meant to facilitate and why new names
for established APIs are needed?


James Hughes wrote:
> On 04/22/2011 08:07 PM, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
>> On 20/04/11 03:28, BlueWall wrote:
>>> Pushed a middleware framework for resource connector development in the
>>> addon-modules tradition to WxService branch. Optional https support too.
>>> Some early doc and example code at http://bit.ly/gYbzRH .
>> As a preliminary question, how does this improve upon having the
>> region modules add their own handlers via
>> IHttpServer.AddStreamHandler() which I see is the call that
>> WxService.AddWxHandler() is making?
>> Apologies if you've already answered this in the post and my late
>> night comprehension skills are a bit shaky.
> Hi Justin,
> This is built on Robust. It uses Robust to provide the base and
> configuration for the handlers. WxService.AddWxHandler() is part of the
> interface the handlers are required to implement so that the handlers
> can be pushed out to a place that is easier to manage form user-land.
> Like region modules, but implemented in Robust for things that should be
> central to the entire grid.
> BlueWall
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