[Opensim-dev] Forcing attachments to rezz

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 24 23:43:53 UTC 2010

On 24/11/10 19:01, Neil Canham wrote:
> Hi
>    I'm writing a region module for managing appearance / outfits.  One issue I have is that attachments only appear
> after a relog.  During the client login I'm using this to attach:
>   m_scenes[0].RezSingleAttachment(client, item.ID, (uint)AttachmentPoint.HUDTop);
> in 0.6.9 - and I find I have to log out and then back in to see the attachment, I assume because the client didn't
> request the attachment it isn't looking out for it?  Is there any way that I can force the attachment to happen (I tried
> a ScenePresence SendWearables() but that seemed to not know about the attachment)

In 0.7 (I think) and later, it's possible to attach (and move) hud objects with code like

IAttachmentsModule module = client.Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IAttachmentsModule>();
UUID sceneObjectId
     = module.RezSingleAttachmentFromInventory(client, itemId, (uint)AttachmentPoint.HUDTop);
SceneObjectGroup sog = scene.GetSceneObjectPart(sceneObjectId).ParentGroup;

// Move HUD

// A temporary messy solution to an occasional race where the attached hud sometimes ends up positioned
// on the avatar itself and does not show up as attached within inventory.

Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(0, 0, -0.1f);
m_log.DebugFormat("[EXAMPLE]: Resetting HUD position to {0}", newPos);
module.UpdateAttachmentPosition(client, sog, newPos);

However, the attachment code has changed a lot since 0.6.9 (for starters, it had no separate AttachmentsModule).  You 
might want to try something like

sog.HasGroupChanged = true;

to make sure the server sends an object notification to the viewer.  However, don't overuse this, since unnecessary 
multiple updates can sometimes lead to race conditions and viewer update glitches.

Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)

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