[Opensim-dev] Feature Request: Smart Regions - Idle Region Timeouts and "On The Fly" loading/unloading of inactive idle regions

Peter Newman wizarth at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 03:38:54 UTC 2010

Fractal generation doesn't have to be expensive. I've done some myself, 
in OpenSim.

This is my generated continent:

The image is made using the same free noise generation lib as the 
in-OpenSim terrain (not imported as height maps, generated in a region 
module). Last time I booted it, it was as a 10x10 set of regions, but 
this turned out to be too small for what I want to do with it. In the 
same way, I could have this in a single region (but the resolution 
wouldn't do it justice).

Smart regions would be useful for my end goal for this, but as observed, 
there is a lot more work pending on this happening.

Peter N

On 8/07/2010 4:20 AM, Michael Cerquoni wrote:
> I agree it certainly is possible, but every piece of software you listed
> costs an a lot of money and would require a new viewer, its not
> something that can be done simulator side alone:
> CityScape is $19,000 per seat license. CityScape licenses are perpetual
> and include 12 months of maintenance with purchase.
> Speedtree $9,995 per title
> Speedtree Cinema : $39,995 per year
> and it still doesn't change the fact you would need a few million
> dollars in hardware to achieve this, even with "smart regions"
> so unless someone is willing to cough up a few million for development,
> probably what Cityscape and Speedtree spent to develop their systems, i
> just don't see this happening honestly, at least not anytime soon.

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