[Opensim-dev] What is the difference between various releases

Dave Coyle coyle+opensim at knifejaw.com
Mon May 25 21:46:34 UTC 2009

On 2009-05-25 15:19:00 -0400, robert at rd-it.net wrote:
> What is the difference between 0.6.5-post-fixes
> and 0.6.5-release?

0.6.5-post-fixes is a branch.  0.6.5-release is a tag.  So what does
that mean in practical terms?  The 0.6.5-release tag is a static
point-in-time snapshot of part of the code repository.  It's a release
version, what people will (should) be referring to when they say "I'm
running OpenSim version 0.6.5".  But what if someone uncovered a bug
in 0.6.5 that caused some big issue?  A patch could be applied to the
0.6.5-post-fixes branch and (or 0.6.5a-release or
whatever) could be tagged.


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