[Opensim-dev] Test asset server / connectors

diva at metaverseink.com diva at metaverseink.com
Sun May 17 17:37:04 UTC 2009

Just to illustrate the possibilities that this new software architecture 
enables, I have set up an asset server at UCI that can be used by hybrid 
sims out there. It will be on for the next couple of days, if you want 
to try it out. This is for illustration purpose only, I don't plan to 
run an asset storage business at UCI :-)
If you follow the instructions below you end up with a mostly standalone 
grid that happens to be using a remote asset server. This kind of 
arrangement is already used by the Groups service made by mcortez. The 
new software architecture generalizes this to all services used by the 

Check out opensim, copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini, and set the 
new configuration variables at the bottom like this:

     ; Choose one
     ;AssetServices = "LocalAssetServicesConnector"
     ;; ===== USE THE REMOTE ONE =====
     AssetServices = "RemoteAssetServicesConnector"
     ;AssetServices = "HGAssetBroker"

         ; If you don't want asset caching in the regions, comment this
     AssetCaching = "CoreAssetCache"

     ; Parameters for local assets, formerly known as "standalone"
     LocalServiceModule = OpenSim.Services.AssetService.dll:AssetService"
     StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"
     ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
     ;ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User 
     DefaultAssetLoader = "OpenSim.Framework.AssetLoader.Filesystem.dll"
     AssetLoaderArgs = "assets/AssetSets.xml"

     ; Parameters for remote assets, formerly known as "grid"
     ;; ===== SET THIS UP LIKE THIS =====
     AssetServerURI = "http://ucigrid03.nacs.uci.edu:9003"

     ; Paremeters for the Hypergrid connector
     ; ignore

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