[Opensim-dev] Round 2: Config changes preview

Ralf Haifisch ralf at ralf-haifisch.biz
Sat Mar 14 11:15:30 UTC 2009

I am not writing code here..

I do opensim for my personal passion and for the believe as a 3D web

Being an IT-Pro I speak to customers (sponsor / CIO level) about that from
time to time.
And opensim gets by architecture a better acceptance, that SL does.

Furthermore, while not sharing the opinions sometimes - I love to see people
discussing about security or (here) maintaining infrastructure of different

I would love to see the option to get the config via http (what means, a
small part where to get must be local).  

A "config master file" with overrides by more in depth smaller things per
simulator would be nice, yes.

But there is a point I strongly agree with Melanie.

I don´t follow the discussion any more - I got lost.

My stomach says, that (while I still believe other breeds than dev are able
to think  *gg*) newbies will get totally lost.

I have put much effort in building a german community and did many "support
hours"..  this seems to be most likely unsupportable.

So - since I want the features, but not the pain:

Could we have some graphics (folder structure - sequence of
reading/overriding settings - ...) on oensimulator.org somewhere ?   that
would at least make it easier to follow, decide (for now) and troubleshoot
(in future).


Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 09:35:48 +0000
From: Melanie <melanie at t-data.com>
Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] Round 2: Config changes preview
To: opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de
Message-ID: <49BB7A74.6070901 at t-data.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Has anyone notices how impossibly complicated, complex and 
unmaintainable this is going to become?
Instead of demanding the user read a simple set of instructions, 
then do the RightThing, you try to do all their thinking for them, 
resulting in something that will make neither novice nor grid 
operator happy.

You are increasing, not decreasing, complexity and the effort to get 
up and running.
Rename, copy, multiple subdirectories, even I am hard put to see any 
sense in that, and I'm a dev, for crying out loud!


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