[Opensim-dev] Preview split up of OpenSim.ini.example now in bin/config.preview.donotuseyet

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Wed Mar 11 21:31:57 UTC 2009

Hello folks,

I have done a preliminary split of the large OpenSim.ini.example file into separate files under the directory 
config.preview.donotuseyet/.  None of this is yet active.

The separate .ini.example files are placed in a folder structure under config/ rather than all in a single directory. 
Where possible the structure follows that of modules and assemblies in the codebase.

The idea is that all the built in OpenSim defaults will match the contents of the .ini.example files.  So where settings 
are not given, the builtins can be safely used.  This means that the main bin/OpenSim.ini is reduced to only the 
settings that 95% of people use (at the moment, [Startup], [Network], [StandAlone]).

If you did want to change one of the more advanced settings in config/, then you would copy (or rename) that file to 
.ini or copy and paste the settings to bin/OpenSim.ini.  For example, the file


contains only the in world chat configuration parameters.  If you wanted to change the whisper distance to 100m you 
would copy this file to


and edit the setting.  All .ini files in the config/ directory will get picked up by OpenSim in addition to bin/OpenSim.ini

Please tell me what you think.  Expressions of agreement are as welcome as constructive criticism.  This restructuring 
is largely unrelated to other --inimaster, etc. discussions.

Justin Clark-Casey

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