[Opensim-dev] Proposal for a cleanup/correction of the region-module system

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Wed Jan 28 20:59:08 UTC 2009

Homer Horwitz wrote:
> Hi all,
> the current system for handling region-modules is slightly broken if
> you add/remove regions dynamically (or even for region-restarts). I've
> put up some thoughts at
> http://opensimulator.org/wiki/New_Region_Modules for discussion.
> Please answer on the associated 'discussion' page or here on the list.

Nice proposal Homer.

Here's another thought (to add to the pile).  Is there really any point having an Initialise method at all?

1)  Adam's idea of hanging the config off the scene and not passing it in via Initialise(IConfigSource) both disgusts 
and excites me.  Disgust because it feels a bit wrong to tie Config in to Scene that closely (though maybe that's really 
just because Scene should be called Region).  But exciting because I can imagine that we do want per region config at 
some point (it would be cool to be in space on one region and on Jupiter in another on the same server).  Non-shared 
modules could still grab their config from the first scene that comes in (though having to do an if condition on the 
first scene will look less elegant than doing things without conditions in Initialise().

Then one could perhaps get rid of Initialise() completely and just do all initialization when the first region is added.

One could almost get rid of Close() in the same way (perform close instead when the last region has been removed). 
Though in this case I can more easily imagine that one would want to remove all regions before adding more on the same 
instance (which might unnecessarily incur expensive cpu operations when initialize is called again).

I'm probably just trying to be unnecessarily clever here.  And I have a feeling these kinds of issues have probably 
already been addressed in some module system somewhere... :)

2)  Is there any point on giving the Scene again in RemoveRegion?  Would it be clearer just to give the region UUID 
instead or are there advantages to passing in Scene again?

3)  On the spelling issue, I'm with MW - I think you Americans should just suck it up.  I once had to work on an IBM 
product called WebSphere Product Center so I think that there should be some payback :)

(an Init() compromise is fine though, I guess.  Bring back the Empire, I say).

Justin Clark-Casey

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