[Opensim-dev] Proposal: Killing off AvatarFactory

MW michaelwri22 at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jan 26 09:54:12 UTC 2009

My preference is that we modulariSe the whole avatar creation, its much more flexible. 

Also on that subject I suggest we move the server side avatar data from the user server to one of the other servers (most likely the inventory server). I don't think it should be in the user server for a number of reasons. But one reason we have came across is wanting to share a single user server with multiple grids. I think the user server really should just be account infomation.

But anyway back onto the AvatarFactoryModule, yes if we aren't going to modularise it then we should just move it all to IAvatarService. No point in having the current half way solution.

Also I think the process should even a more general, start modularising the whole of the CommsManager.

But not sure anyone is going to be able to give a +1 or -1 on any idea before "Jan 2 2009" ;)

Stefan Andersson <stefan at tribalmedia.se> wrote:    .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana }   It's kind of crazy that we have a RegionModule (AvatarFactoryModule) that really just look up the CommsManager AvatarService and forwards a request to that.

 I propose we either modularize the whole thing (the prefferrable thing) or merge the AvatarFactory module code into the IAvatarService.
 If nobody has objected strongly until Jan 2 2009, I will mantis this.
Best regards,
Stefan Andersson
Tribal Media AB

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