[Opensim-dev] On solving Authentication and such

Hurliman, John john.hurliman at intel.com
Tue Feb 24 19:20:29 UTC 2009

Definitely a +1.

(only slightly on-topic) Speaking of 2D and 3D worlds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT1UR6qEgdg

>-----Original Message-----
>From: opensim-dev-bounces at lists.berlios.de [mailto:opensim-dev-
>bounces at lists.berlios.de] On Behalf Of Stefan Andersson
>Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 3:07 AM
>To: opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de
>Subject: [Opensim-dev] On solving Authentication and such
>By the way,
>I've been talking to some people lately around various viewer and
>protocol issues, and I have come to realize that we are apparently
>locked into the mindset of having the viewer being the 'community
>application' - I would propose another frame of mind, separating
>whatever should be done in 3D as a separate experience from what should
>be done in 2D. Of course, they should interleave, but they should not
>have to be implemented in the same codebase.
>Huh? I hear you say.
>To put it otherwise; the ideal setup would be a 3D rendering surface
>optionally with 2D web surfaces superimposed on it. From there, the 3D
>rendering surface should talk some real-time protocol to a 3D scene
>streaming service (aka the region server) but the 2D web surfaces should
>communicate with Web 2.0 services.
>This would allow us to break the issues apart, and having various
>competencies working on various domains, as well as letting the
>application coders slice the cookie anyway they want.
>So, what I'm saying is, in short: Let's start breaking stuff out of the
>viewer context, and onto other user interfaces, like the web or third-
>party admin tools.
>I should have my preferred IM client, not my viewer.
>I should have my (web-based?) inventory tool, not my viewer.
>I should log in thru my social network, not my viewer.
>I should transfer and administrate content thru aux means (web, file,
>blog, e-mail, ftp, burn) not trhu the viewer.
>et c.
>Sure, we should always be able to do it thru clients that provide
>adequate tools, but hey, let's break free of the centralized monolith
>app thinking.
>Ps, what's the difference with having windows on top of each others in
>the 3D surface, and having windows on top of each others on the desktop?
>Best regards,
>Stefan Andersson
>Tribal Media AB


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