[Opensim-dev] New Asset/Inventory server

Mike Mazur mmazur at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 03:12:59 UTC 2009


In SVN r8407-8435 you will find the new Asset/Inventory server in the
OpenSim trunk. I don't recommend using any revision between 8407-8435,
they will likely not compile.

If you want to jump in and use it right away, here's how:

1. Compile as usual
2. Copy bin/AssetInventoryServer.ini.example to
   bin/AssetInventoryServer.ini and edit it accordingly
3. Instead of running OpenSim.Grid.AssetServer.exe, run
4. Use at your own risk, there may still be bugs

Hopefully the AssetInventoryServer.ini.example file has clear enough
comments to answer most configuration questions.

Also, please note that the inventory portion is, for all intents and
purposes, *not implemented*. Please read on for more details.

What is Currently Implemented

Currently the AssetInventoryServer can be used as a drop-in replacement
for the existing AssetServer. No configuration changes are needed to
the rest of the grid servers.

In addition to that there are a handful of plugins included that
provide additional functionality, such as browsing the assets via your
web browser. Actually, the code is there, but it's not "turned on",
which brings us to the next section...

The plugin system was converted from ExtensionLoader to Mono.Addins.

What is Missing

There are a few things I commented out in the interest of getting the
code into core:

- Cookie & SSL support is commented out until the HttpServer in OpenSim
  supports these features. If it already does, then it should be easy
  to turn those features on again.
- Regex HTTP handlers. Some of the frontends[1][2] support HTTP
  handlers defined as regular expressions to match a UUID. As far as I
  could tell this didn't work with the HTTP server in OpenSim.
- The AssetStorage plugins provide a ForEach() method that iterates
  over a set of assets. See OpenSimAssetStorage[3] for an example. This
  used SQL that's not currently implemented in OpenSim's storage
  backends, so it's commented out.
- Some of the extensions in the Cable Beach SVN[4] are also not
  included, such as the OpenID authentication and Amazon S3 or Memcached
  storage backends.

These missing features can be supported once the underlying
infrastructure in OpenSim (HttpServer, DB storage) support the features
they require.

Also the Inventory section is completely commented out. This is because
there's a larger number of functions to map to the existing inventory
storage than with assets; there are only two asset operations (fetch
and create), while there are many with inventory (fetch item, folder,
folder and contents, create item, folder, delete item, folder etc).
These can be implemented over time.

To Wrap Up

Thanks to John Hurliman and all the other contributors for their work
on Cable Beach.

Please test, give feedback, file bugs (if you must) and have fun!



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