[Opensim-dev] Client-side API/scripting Re: LookingGlass Viewer progress

Dzonatas Sol dzonatas at gmail.com
Wed Dec 30 16:03:17 UTC 2009

Toni Alatalo wrote:
>  what would be a good doc 
> or an example covering a set of REST calls that we should have 
> implemented in Naali for your plugins to work?

This is the effort we hope to achieve - a way to document and 
standardize it. I started to tinker with UML in order to black box the 
implementation details, but I've been focused to finish some details 
already started in C#.

>> The patch as applied to Imprudence:
>> http://github.com/ArminW/imprudence/tree/snow375
> I guess the other things you mentioned are safe to read for Opensim 
> developers, but that one is with Linden viewer source so studying that 
> would validate the contributors agreement here? So skipped this one so 
> far :) .. a spec of the http requests and/or the existing plugins that 
> are written against are the things to read when implementing this to 
> other viewers I think, will take a look at the comms stuff now.

I agreed with Mister Blue to put the diagrams under CC Share-Alike.

It would be great if this can be a way to bridge that gap that was 
created between those that have worked on either source and not the other.

Maybe, use-cases through individual RESTful actors is the practical 
start. I hoped to transform that into swimlane layouts.

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