[Opensim-dev] OpenSim 0.6.8 post-fixes Testing

Ai Austin ai.ai.austin at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 1 11:49:05 UTC 2009

At 11:05 01/12/2009, "Chris Hart" <Chris at codetorque.co.uk> wrote:
>Minor sanity check - is that a typo in the url?
>instead of

:-)   it was just a typo in me retyping the message from one system 
onto my e-mailer on another !  Sorry about that,.  I did a careful 
check though to be sure the config files did not have that 
mistake.  Here is a bit more information on running 0.6.8 overnight 
and some tests this morning...

My 0.6.6 system does not have this problem even when running for 
weeks.  0.6.7 introduced it, 0.6.8 still does it.The server is 
running MySQL, Opensim URM servers and a single Opensim.exe, there 
are no other users connected, and I am connecting from a second 
system with the viewer. Its a decent power dual core PC with 4GB 
memory and running Vista 32bit OS.  Nothing else is running at the 
same time on the system at all.  So I don't assume its because the 
system is underpowered.

I left things running overnight for 0.6.8, and the logs show the 
regular (every 5 minutes) check by the messaging server that it can 
contact the user server (at least that is what I assume its 
doing).  But I then connected (from another computer so there was no 
extra load on the server) as a test, and although I was able to log 
in, I am getting the same kind of error in the message server 
window... Unable to connect to server 
http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002. Server not running?

..... running for 13 hours with no load and is okay every 5 minutes...
09:02:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
09:07:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
09:12:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
09:17:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
09:22:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
09:27:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
09:29:31 - [LOGON]: User Ai Austin logged into region 
1099511628032000 as root agent, building indexes for user
09:29:31 - [LOGIN]: Exception on UserLoggedOn: 
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an 
instance of an object.
09:29:40 - Unable to connect to server 
http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002. Server not running?

but then on the next regular 5 minute point it was okay again..

09:32:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
09:37:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002

but after 10 minutes, with no activity in the viewer.. its failed again...

09:42:09 - Unable to connect to server 
http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002. Server not running?

But it looks like its up and down between the messaging server and 
user server.... This is a trace of the last hour or so... with one 
client logged in but with no operations going on at all.

09:27:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
09:29:31 - [LOGON]: User Ai Austin logged into region 
1099511628032000 as root a
gent, building indexes for user
09:29:31 - [LOGIN]: Exception on UserLoggedOn: 
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an 
instance of an object.
09:29:40 - Unable to connect to server 
http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002. Server not running?

09:32:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
09:37:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
09:42:09 - Unable to connect to server 
http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002. Server not running?

09:47:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
09:52:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
09:57:09 - Unable to connect to server 
http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002. Server not running?

10:02:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
10:07:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
10:12:09 - Unable to connect to server 
http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002. Server not running?

10:17:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
10:22:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
10:27:07 - DIAGNOSTICS

Time now is 01/12/2009 10:27:07
Server has been running since Monday, 30/11/2009 20:27:07
That is an elapsed time of 13:59:59.9614000

12 threads are being tracked:
ID: 5804, TotalProcessorTime: 00:00:00.6708043, TimeRunning: 
14:00:00.1330000, P
ri: 11, State: Wait, Reason: LpcReply
ID: 6836, TotalProcessorTime: 00:00:00, TimeRunning: 14:00:00.1018000, Pri: 10,
State: Wait, Reason: UserRequest
ID: 5532, TotalProcessorTime: 00:00:00, TimeRunning: 14:00:00.0862000, Pri: 12,
State: Wait, Reason: UserRequest
ID: 4248, TotalProcessorTime: 00:00:00, TimeRunning: 13:59:59.9614000, Pri: 10,
State: Wait, Reason: ExecutionDelay
ID: 516, TotalProcessorTime: 00:00:00, TimeRunning: 13:59:59.8366000, 
Pri: 10, S
tate: Wait, Reason: ExecutionDelay
ID: 9404, TotalProcessorTime: 00:00:00.1092007, TimeRunning: 
13:59:59.1970000, P
ri: 10, State: Wait, Reason: EventPairLow
ID: 7760, TotalProcessorTime: 00:00:00, TimeRunning: 
13:59:58.6354000, Pri: 9, S
tate: Wait, Reason: UserRequest
ID: 10064, TotalProcessorTime: 00:00:00, TimeRunning: 13:59:58.6354000, Pri: 8,
State: Wait, Reason: UserRequest
ID: 304, TotalProcessorTime: 00:00:00, TimeRunning: 13:59:58.6354000, 
Pri: 9, St
ate: Wait, Reason: UserRequest
ID: 9968, TotalProcessorTime: 00:00:00, TimeRunning: 13:59:58.6354000, Pri: 10,
State: Wait, Reason: ExecutionDelay
ID: 4836, TotalProcessorTime: 00:00:00, TimeRunning: 12:59:29.9460000, Pri: 10,
State: Wait, Reason: EventPairLow
ID: 1080, TotalProcessorTime: 00:00:00, TimeRunning: 00:00:00, Pri: 
9, State: Ru

*** ThreadPool threads ***
workers: 1 (500); ports: 0 (1000)

10:27:09 - Unable to connect to server 
http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002. Server not running?

10:32:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
10:37:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
10:42:09 - Unable to connect to server 
http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002. Server
  not running?

10:47:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
10:52:09 - [SERVER]: Registered with http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
10:57:09 - Unable to connect to server 
http://virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002. Server not running?

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