[Opensim-dev] Freeswitch

Ralf Haifisch ralf at ralf-haifisch.biz
Sun Apr 26 10:50:51 UTC 2009



as voice is an essential thing for many people I realy loved to read about
the freeswitch/siren idea.  Thanks for that.



I tried to get voice working the last days – did hunt for some people with
experience on osgrid/IRC.


I did follow  http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Freeswitch_Module , but tried
some variants (compiling curl/siren modules), as well.


So far, it seems I get the freeswitch compiled.  

I see incoming avatars lead to a registration in the opensim console.

I see some voice CAPS form opensim to freeswitch.

My talk-button keeps greyd out, however.


The only one I did find with voice on osgrid was Paulie Flomar, he has it
working “half way” it seems.

“Strangely, my results seem inconsistent. I had Nebadon over and he could
hear me fine, but I could not hear him. I had Maria over and neither one of
us could hear the other.”


But I have no clue where to hunt for



I get a 404 error when I start the freeswitch, not being able to fetch


In the manual it says:  “Make sure the freeswitch server is started BEFORE
bringing the region up.”  - This means: yes, it can´t fetch anything,
because I need to start the freeswitch before the region.


Then – what about authentication ?


In the opensim.ini I do configure

   freeswitch_server_user = freeswitch

   freeswitch_server_pass = password


as far as I understand, usually the user are build  user at domain on the
freeswitch side and need to be configured in the freeswitch directory.


Do I need to configure this somewhere on the freeswitch side ?



As well, it is hard to say what to use for wich setting if the IP/host names
from freeswitch and region are different.


Basically – I have just no clue what to expect. Should there be some message
on the freeswitch console after start ?  should it be silent ?   Which
messages on the opensim side do tell me what status.



It would be helpful to get some more info – or maybe some people pop up who
allready made it ?   I am sure, there are some.  I guess given all the
different enviroments out in the wild, a collection of example configs would
be very helpful.  


I am happy to collect everything and put it on the web if you through
screens and config files on me via email, to not blow up the list here.




Ralf Haifisch



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