[Opensim-dev] Script engine base functional merge - Dot Net Engine

Charles Krinke cfk at pacbell.net
Sun Sep 7 01:59:45 UTC 2008

Well, phrumph. I meant to say that there were 76 NotImplemented in LSL_BuiltIn_Commands.cs and 84 NotImplemented in LSL_Api.cs. One can see all of these by doing a search for the string "NotImplemented" in either file.

Of the 70-80 functions that are NotImplemented about half are physics and vehicle related and the other half are not related to physics. So, we should be able to make progress with patches on some of these.


----- Original Message ----
From: Charles Krinke <cfk at pacbell.net>
To: opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de
Sent: Sunday, September 7, 2008 12:22:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] Script engine base functional merge - Dot Net Engine

I think getting back to the original plan of harmonizing the duplications of the small LSL-C# wrappers and finishing the balance of the LSL-C# wrappers is important. 

I just added up the number of occurences of "NotImplemented" in both the LSL_BuiltIn_Commands.cs and LSL_Api.cs files. There are 76 NotImplemented in LSL_Api.cs and 84 NotImplemented in LSL_Api.cs. 

So, we have 76 to go to finish the original list of 328 or so functions. In my opinion, we need to press forward in finishing these functions and patches to LSL_BuiltIn_Commands.cs *and* LSL_Api.cs will be gratefully appreciated and expeditiously applied.

Eventually we will solve the duplicated files in one way or another, but continuing to finish the 76 or so remaining will help us get to a major plateau in our scripting support.


On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Justin Clark-Casey <jjustincc at googlemail.com> wrote:

Sean Dague wrote:
> Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
>> Alright, having read all this, I propose that we don't either deprecate
>> DotNetEngine or stop it being the default at this time.
>> Kurt, it would be good if you could go ahead with the refactoring to
>> eliminate the existing code duplication. Is there any way at all to
>> split the changes into smaller patches so that we can look to get
>> something in within the week and possibly so that other hands can
>> complete the job?
> Honestly, it's a lot of work to do that, especially as it is a
> constantly changing field, and I really don't think anyone is going to
> vest more time into it.  There is no real payoff in investing in Dot Net
> Engine anymore from my perspective.
Disregarding anything else, isn't there still a case for making sure
that all scripting engines (current and future) can use the lsl command
wrappers that would be common to any engine implementation?


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