Sean Dague sean at dague.net
Tue Jun 17 14:48:50 UTC 2008

On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 07:28:55AM -0700, Diva Canto wrote:
> As far as I can tell,  the teleport code already has a lot of the  
> machinery to TP between any two OpenSims on the internet. Its interface,  
> however, is the limiting factor: instead of being given IP addresses, or  
> some other form of global name, it's given region handles. The code uses  
> the region handle to get at the IP address and port.
> (Scenes/SceneCommunicationService.cs)
>        public virtual void RequestTeleportToLocation(ScenePresence  
> avatar, ulong regionHandle, LLVector3 position,
>                                                      LLVector3 lookAt,  
> uint flags)
> In Terry's case, both DBs shared the region handles and all other  
> identifiers, that's why it worked.
> OpenSim is *this* close to supporting interoperability. It "just" needs  
> a bunch of small, but very important, changes in lots of places. And, of  
> course, conceptual clarification of everything related to  
> authentication, trust, and access control, which stand a level above of  
> the intrerop mechanism itself.
> Diva / Crista

At one point Dalien had this working under a concept that he called
"friendly teleport".  Basically, some set of low region coords were
reserved for gating in from other opensim grids.  Some reference to it
is here:

Honestly, this would be a great thing for people to revive.  "World
Jump" is going to be a very needed feature to make it easy to wander
between worlds that may be under different domains of control.



Sean Dague                                       Mid-Hudson Valley
sean at dague dot net                            Linux Users Group
http://dague.net                                 http://mhvlug.org

There is no silver bullet.  Plus, werewolves make better neighbors
than zombies, and they tend to keep the vampire population down.
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