[Opensim-dev] standardizing on uuid string formats

Charles Krinke cfk at pacbell.net
Fri Jun 13 13:55:16 UTC 2008


I find myself looking at console logs of all five servers and looking at the mysql and SQLite prompt for issues so the human readable one is my vote.

Perhaps you can give an example in the code of each of the three cases so we can look all think about how to make this least traumatic?


----- Original Message ----
From: Sean Dague <sean at dague.net>
To: opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 6:00:52 AM
Subject: [Opensim-dev] standardizing on uuid string formats

We have 3 serialization formats for a UUID
* binary packed version (used in the mysql assets table exclusively)

This is definitely confusing.  One of the reasons that we got here is
that there never was really a defined standard, and things grew and
changed over time.  One of the reasons that we are still here is that
until recently, doing database migrations between formats would have
been a lot of crazy logic.  I'm hoping that the Migration support I just
put in (and switched both SQLite and MySQL over to) should fix part 2.

So, back to part 1.  I think we should declare a standard, and work
towards getting everything in that standard.  My suggestion, and
preference here is form 2: XXXXXX-YYYYYY-ZZZZZZ... for the following
* It's very user readable, and like the format that people have come to
   expect in the client viewer.  As people like looking at their data in
   both xml and in the database, making it make more sense to them is
   probably a good thing
* It's the native string format for LLUUID and GUID (system built in).
   Using another format means lots of converting back and forth.  
* It also occured to me this morning that the extra string in every 
   conversion might account for some of our extra overhead.

All opinions on the table are valid.  I firmly believe that anything
that gets our data more self consistant will help with maintainability
in the project.  Please throw in your views, and I'll queue this up for
future work.



Sean Dague                                       Mid-Hudson Valley
sean at dague dot net                            Linux Users Group
http://dague.net                                http://mhvlug.org

There is no silver bullet.  Plus, werewolves make better neighbors
than zombies, and they tend to keep the vampire population down.
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