[Opensim-dev] On Mantis #1370 (avatar persistence)

liu xiaolu lulurun at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 04:56:56 UTC 2008

Quick information:

OSGrid seems to be down, so just patial information.

I registered a region at OSGrid (called WolfDrawer 10001,10000)
Network condition:
my region server is in japan, my home
OpenSUSE-10.3-xen/mono 1.2.6/512M/2core
latest revision

the full login log(with line No.) is attanched at the end, here just points
a few lines:
Line14,15: "GetAppearance" is called. these "not found" mesages appear
everytime when an user login, because at this time, "inventory" has not been
Line19: "inventory" is (begin to) fetched at this time.
Line24,25: "GetAppearance" is called once more. at this time, "inventory" is
under fetching, my server is far from OSGrid's inventoryserver, so no result
"GetAppearance" returns "not found" once more
Line26: Region server recieved inventory information from inventory server,
but it is late.

*NOTE*: as I tested, in windows there is no timing problem, Line19:
"getinventory" in windows is SYNC.  :@

 1| 20:20:13 - [CONNECTION DEBUGGING]: Expect User called, starting agent
setup ...
 2| 20:20:13 - [CONNECTION DEBUGGING]: Main agent detected
 3| 20:20:13 - [CONNECTION DEBUGGING]: Triggering welcome for
e8738a41-d260-4030-9b54-31688164b260 into 10996215791947776
 4| 20:20:13 - [CAPS]: Setting up CAPS handler for root agent
e8738a41-d260-4030-9b54-31688164b260 in WolfDrawer
 5| 20:20:13 - [CONNECTION DEBUGGING]: Creating new circuit code
(1590320709) for avatar e8738a41-d260-4030-9b54-31688164b260 at WolfDrawer
 6| 20:20:13 - [OGS1 GRID SERVICES]: Welcoming new user...
 7| 20:20:15 - [CAPS]: Seed Caps Request in region: WolfDrawer
 8| 20:20:15 - [UDPSERVER]: Adding New Client
 9| 20:20:15 - [CLIENT]: Started up new client thread to handle incoming
10| 20:20:15 - [CLIENT]: Got authenticated connection from
11| 20:20:15 - [CLIENT]: Adding viewer agent to scene
12| 20:20:15 - [CONNECTION DEBUGGING]: Creating new client for
e8738a41-d260-4030-9b54-31688164b260 at WolfDrawer
13| 20:20:15 - [REGION]: Add New Scene Presence
14| 20:20:15 - [APPEARANCE]: appearance not found for
e8738a41-d260-4030-9b54-31688164b260, creating default
15| 20:20:15 - [APPEARANCE]: Appearance not found, creating default
16| 20:20:15 - [SCENE]:WolfDrawer: Creating new child agent.
17| 20:20:16 - [GROUP]: Adding lulu run to OpenSimulator Testing
18| 20:20:17 - [CLIENT]: Entered loop
19| 20:20:17 - [OGS1 INVENTORY SERVICE]: Requesting inventory from
http://osgrid.org:8004/GetInventory/ for user
20| 20:20:17 - [SUN]: Initial update for new client
21| 20:20:17 - [FRIEND]: Claiming lulu run in region:10996215791947776.
22| 20:20:17 - [CAPS]: Setting up CAPS handler for root agent
e8738a41-d260-4030-9b54-31688164b260 in WolfDrawer
23| 20:20:18 - [OSG1 USER SERVICES]: Successfully updated user record
24| 20:20:18 - [APPEARANCE]: appearance not found for
e8738a41-d260-4030-9b54-31688164b260, creating default
25| 20:20:18 - [APPEARANCE]: Appearance not found, creating default
26| 20:20:19 - [OGS1 INVENTORY SERVICE]: Received inventory response for
user e8738a41-d260-4030-9b54-31688164b260 containing 15 folders and 4 items
27| 20:20:21 - [INTERGRID]: Starting to inform client about neighbours
28| 20:20:21 - [INTERGRID]: Starting to inform client about neighbours
29| 20:20:21 - [INTERGRID]: Starting to inform client about neighbours
30| 20:20:21 - [INTERGRID]: Starting to inform client about neighbours
31| 20:20:21 - [INTERGRID]: Starting to inform client about neighbours
32| 20:20:21 - [INTERGRID]: Starting to inform client about neighbours
33| 20:20:21 - [INTERGRID]: Starting to inform client about neighbours
34| 20:20:21 - [INTERGRID]: Starting to inform client about neighbours
35| 20:20:21 - [APPEARANCE]: Sending Appearance to All Other Agents
36| 20:20:21 - [CLIENT]: unhandled AgentHeightWidth packet
37| 20:20:21 - [CLIENT]: unhandled MuteListRequest packet
38| 20:20:22 - [CLIENT]: unhandled AgentHeightWidth packet
39| 20:20:22 - [APPEARANCE]: Sending Own Appearance

Liu Xiaolu
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