[Opensim-dev] Resolved Mantis issue..... Reconsideration?

Terry F. terry at usfastweb.com
Sat Jul 19 07:48:42 UTC 2008

I recently submitted a mantis report on an issue which you can view here:

This report was marked resolved and I quote the response to my report here:

"The current implementation of the permissions module was designed to give
parcel owners godlike powers. Parcel owners are able to take and manipulate
anything over their land. This is design behavior. The permissions module
doesn't represent the SL permissions system, and was never intended to do

I'm not talking about simply manipulating... ie moving, etc, I'm talking 
about obtaining permissions the original creator never intended for an item.
I understand this feature is functioning as designed, but I am 
requesting a "Reconsideration" of this feature as I see this as 
detrimental to the success of this project.
I am of the opinion that "Godlike" powers shouldn't be given to an 
individual just because land is in their name, instead it should be 
reserved for only estate owners/managers.

I do believe this to be a "REAL" issue as anything a person has been 
given, even it was was given to them with the intentions of it being 
"USABLE" but not modifiable or copyable is able to be copied by the 
owner if he/she is on their land.

Here's an example:
Another user gives me a scripted item for me to use, but doesn't want me 
to have access to the script, then he's out of luck because I can take 
it back to my land and copy it and I will then have full rights to it on 
my land... including seeing or potentially being able to "TAKE" his 
script and use it, and or modify it as my own.

This will become a "REAL" issue very soon now that llGiveInventory has 
become functional.
Many users in my grid are waiting for me to implement currency so that 
they can setup vendors to sell their no copy/mod items to other users.
Once the "BUYER" purchases an item it will no longer honor the 
permissions the creator intended once it is on the buyer's land.
Some have made items for others to use with the intentions that the 
"USER" can use the item all they want, but they do not want them to be 
able to copy it or give it away, or worse... sell it as their own. With 
the current permissions system this cannot work.

I respectfully challenge that this "IS" in fact a real issue that needs 
addressing ASAP due to the ability of the Second Inventory program which 
will allow transferring items to other grids.  This ability will soon 
give the whole project a "BIG BLACK EYE" once realization of this 
"Design Behavior" is discovered by newcomers if not corrected.  If a 
creator cannot be reassured that their creation will have workable 
permissions "ANYWHERE" on a particular grid then those who seek to 
protect their creations will no longer consider an OpenSim based grid as 
a viable option for them.

It is my opinion, With the number of grids increasing and with all of 
the publicity OpenSim has received recently it is only a matter of time 
until this becomes a public relations nightmare not only for grid 
operators but for the whole project in general.

Don't get me wrong, I do understand this is a work in progress and this 
issue may not have mattered in the past, but I respectfully request you 
reconsider your position on this issue and give it a priority status as 
it does in fact matter now and the issue will worsen with each new 
opensim user and opensim grid.

Thank-you for your time,
-Terry Ford (aka: Butch Arnold)

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