[Opensim-dev] [libsl-dev] UUID format: dashed here to stay?

dirk husemann hud at zurich.ibm.com
Thu Jan 17 08:20:51 UTC 2008

John Hurliman wrote:
> It was actually a big performance boost by changing to the dashed 
> format. Internally, LLUUID is just a wrapper around the .NET Guid 
> object which has a ToString() method that produces a dashed UUID. The 
> non-hyphenated version removed the dashes which required an additional 
> memory allocation on top of searching through the string, and I 
> decided to just drop it completely. If you want to implement the same 
> functionality in your client code it is just mystring.Replace('-',''); 
> but I would recommend switching over to the hyphenated version that is 
> here to stay.
wow...very good reason. perhaps OpenSim should follow suit,then...


dr dirk husemann, pervasive computing, ibm zurich research lab
--- hud at zurich.ibm.com --- +41 44 724 8573 --- SL: dr scofield

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