[Opensim-dev] Some notes on physical and phantom states and on volume Detection.

Gerhard Dünnebeil Gerhard.Duennebeil at chello.at
Sun Dec 14 07:55:04 UTC 2008

Hello everybody

This post stems on a few discussions on OpenSim-Dev and on a patch proposal.

I post it here because the tables are hard to handle via IRC.


I did a few tests to understand phys, phantom and VolumeDetect (see 
llVolumeDetect) behaviour.

To do that I created a prim in SL and put the following script in it.

As one can ( easily :-) ) see it toggles through different states on 
touch, telling some interesting things and then waiting for something to 
It reacts on the next touch and on the collision_start event.
See the results and a discussion below.

list states=[
    0,0,1,  // Removing Phantom from this state through the UI did not 
change the behaviour !!!
    0,1,0,  // This is in twice as the above state change did not yield 
the expected result.
//    1,0,1,    // Comment this in to have some fun
//    1,1,1     // Comment this in if you were unable to learn from the 
above case

integer iCurrentState=-1;

printStatus() {
    llSay(0, "Physics is now "+(string)llGetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS));
    llSay(0, "Phantom is now "+(string)llGetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM));

vector initialPosition;
rotation initialRotation;


    touch_start(integer total_number)
        integer numberOfStates=llGetListLength(states)/3;
        if (iCurrentState>=numberOfStates)

        if (iCurrentState==5)
            iCurrentState=6;    // Skip a dangerous state
        llSay(0, "Switching now to state "+(string)iCurrentState);
        integer iPhysics=llList2Integer(states, 3*iCurrentState+0);
        integer iPhantom=llList2Integer(states, 3*iCurrentState+1);
        integer iVolDet =llList2Integer(states, 3*iCurrentState+2);

        llSay(0, "Commanded 


        llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, iPhysics);
        llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM, iPhantom);

    collision_start(integer iDetected) {
        llSay(0, "Bong");


Following are the results:

State: Physflag, Phantomflag, VD-Flag as set by the script above
Phys (Scr): The Phys state as seen by the script
Phan (Scr): The Phan state as seen by the script
Phys (UI) : The Phys state as reflected by the Viewer
Phan (UI): The Phan state as reflected by the Viewer
IsPhys : The behaviour in world (did it tumble when kicked)
IsPhan: The behaviour in world (was it there when kicked)
DetectsColl: Was the collsions start event send (did it complain when 

Inworld behaviour was tested by walking against/through the prim with an 

State    Phys (Scr)    Phan (Scr)    Phys(UI)    Phan(UI)    IsPhys   
 IsPhan    DetectsColl
0,0,0      0                    0                  0                0   
            0            0              1
0,0,1      0                    1                  0                1   
            0            1              1
0,1,0 (seems a hidden 0,0,0)  
             0                    0                   0                
0               0             0             1
0,1,0     0                   1                    0                1   
            0             1             0
0,1,1     0                   1                    0                1   
            0             1             1
1,0,0     1                   0                    1                0   
            1             0             1
1,0,1    Fall through the cracks                        
1,1,0     1                   1                    1                1   
            1             1             0
1,1,1    Fall through the cracks                        


To me that looks like there is a set of three independant flags around, 
one for each property under examination.
I don't call them states as a "state" for me implies the notion of a 
finite state machine which in turn implies that things are mutual 
exclusive. This is not the case here.

Nevertheless, these flags seem to be coupled on changes. This means 
there is some sort of implicit state machine here. But it's not 
represented by a single state variable!

The physical flag is set independantly.

The folloing behaviour seems to be implemented:

Setting the VD flag implicitely sets the phantom flag.
Resetting the VD flag also removes the phantom flag
Resetting phantom while VD is set does *not* reset VD behavior; it seems 
this is only possible via script.

Also note the fact, that in SL phantom prims can be physical. This is an 
interesting derivation from the OS implementation that should be kept in 
mind (which doesn't mean that OS' implementation should be changed).
Another interesting thing is the behaviour of the states commented out 
in the above script. The prim literarelly "falls through the cracks" 
means collision handling with the ground seems to be switched off. very 

To implement a somewhat similar behaviour we don't need extra "states". 
All we need is a new flag "volumeDetect" and a logic that influences the 
other states when changed.
Looking at the fact that VD can't be switched off via UI in SL: This 
seems not to be pretty. We could switch this off when removing phantom.
Looking at the behaviour of physical, VD enabled prims: We also could do 
better here as by detecting a collsion with the ground and handle that 

Best regards

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