[Opensim-dev] Decoupling Was: [Opensim-users] Blender Exporter for OpenSim

Stefan Andersson stefan at tribalmedia.se
Thu Dec 4 20:56:31 UTC 2008

Ok, so this has been rotting in my draft folder for so long, I'm just going to send it. Consider it just kicking mental box-walls.
One of the biggest (but not necessarily hardest) changes to opensim that would really get some balls rolling, would be to change how we think of assets from server-centric to region-centric. And, with that, introduce urls as the 'real' assetId. The assetId of today is, at its core, a thing between the region and its connected clients. Today, the region already fetches the assets with an http call. So, if we had a model client <-- assetId --> Region Asset Cache <-- assetUrl --> binary asset http resource we could still use the 'old' assetService by just fabricating a standard url, just like we do today BUT we would also be able to refer to asset resources by url... web style. In practice, killing off the need of the monolithic asset server as it stands today (being all synchronous and stuff)this would not be any problem with libomv, as the protocol would still be the same; the difference would be that some entity, quite possibly even the clientview/clientmanager would have to keep track of what asset url is connected to what assetId.
It's SUCH an low hanging fruit, it would be really cool if somebody would just play around with that asset/url substitution and see where the actual problems show up.
Best regards,Stefan AnderssonTribal Media AB Join the 3d web revolution : http://tribalnet.se/ 

> Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 11:42:36 +0530> From: shreekumar at hp.com> To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de> Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Blender Exporter for OpenSim> > Diva Canto wrote:> > If possible, it would be better if the objects would be exported to an> > external representation, instead of the MySql DB. Ideally, the external> > representation would refer to the textures by URL (including the local> > file system), and the right thing would happen when OpenSim would parse> > that. So no cryptic info.> >> > > +1. That's a downside of my exporter : it writes directly to the > database. Not pretty.> Issue is that I need to restart my opensim instance every time I export > the scene.> > The "load-xml2" command doesn't seem to fit these requirements too.> > -- Shree> _______________________________________________> Opensim-users mailing list> Opensim-users at lists.berlios.de> https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/opensim-users
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