[Opensim-dev] Assets module

Michael Wright michaelwri22 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Oct 27 09:00:57 UTC 2007

Not sure what exactly bits you are talking about moving. But I made a start of moving the code that is the mess called assetcache into separate modules last night. 

Basically my plan is to split that class into three:

 a central assetservice that will have a interface for accept requests for assets from other code/modules, and will then be the one that works out where it can get that asset data from (its own cache, a local asset server or a remote asset server). Once its got the asset data it calls the callback delegate that it was passed in the original request to return the asset.

then two modules that accept the requests from the clients and ask the asset service for the data, then sends it back to the client. Its two modules as Texture requests have a whole different packet system than other asset request. So I'm doing a general Asset module  and a Texture asset module. 

Currently I've nearly finished spliting the current assetcache code into these three separate parts. With some cleaning up etc but mostly the same code, just doing that first I think makes it easier to understand the logic so we can then refactor the code better.

So if your plans where related to those parts of the code, I would ask if you could hold of until I at least commit the first (separation) part of my work. Else we just end up with lots of conflicts.

Tleiades Hax <tleiades at gmail.com> wrote: Hi

I have been thinking about moving all the asset handling into a separate region module, that way we have all the code for assets in one place. Which should make it a lot easier to get an ovierview of what it going on where, in terms of assets. 

I'd like to know if there are any objections, or if that would conflict with what you guys are doing, e.g. MW update of assets?

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